
Successful rural marketing strategies have eluded large organizations for decades. 农村居民——构成一个人口结构 约占美国人口的20% - are all too often overlooked by national, regional, state organizations. This organizational outreach failure limits the organization’s development 和 impact in 往往未开发的农村地区. 农村生活在许多方面不同于城市或郊区生活. 生活在农村地区有独特的需求和挑战. Underst和ing these key differences in geographic distribution 和 experience can help marketers improve rural marketing 和 outreach initiatives. 

一个熟练的 农村市场营销人员 utilizes rural market research to develop a rural-informed marketing strategy for their organization. The uniqueness of rural life requires marketing 方法es that demonstrate an underst和ing of what it’s really like to live in a rural area. Advertising tactics that work to capture the attention of urban 和 suburban residents may not be as effective at 吸引农村居民由于各种文化和后勤方面的差异. Underst和ing these 人口-specific nuances can help organizations connect with rural audiences.  

Here are five tips for developing a successful rural marketing strategy:


农村社区并不都是一样的. A rural community in Florida may be very different from a rural community in Wyoming. Successful 农村市场营销人员s will conduct market research specific to the markets they aspire to engage. Rural communities are often unique regarding their culture, 人口s, history. 了解独特的“个性”,如果你愿意的话, of a rural community is critical to developing an effective rural marketing strategy. Due to the limited representation of rural populations in industry research, this rural market research may include a variety of primary 和 secondary research methods. The rural markets your organization is interested in reaching may have limited published market research; thus, research may need to be conducted to support the rural marketing campaign. 


Rural communities include residents from all living adult generations - 创Zers, 千禧一代, 人都, 婴儿潮一代以及沉默的一代. Each generation differs in terms of what communication 和 media platforms they frequent. 例如,婴儿潮一代是增长最快的 人口 的用户,而 创Zers 据报道经常 Snapchat, TikTok, BeReal. 当地媒体,如电台, 报纸, television stations see distinct geographical differences in terms of influence. 城市居民报告说,当地媒体有一个 对他们的社区有很高的影响力而农村居民报告的影响较小. 由于这种媒体相关的分歧, rural residents may look to non-traditional media outlets for information.,比如社交媒体平台.

了解更多: 面向多代受众的营销


不要落入……的圈套 认为刻板印象 十大网赌软件农村人口. Everyone that lives in rural communities is not a White Christian farmer. 多样性 across many 人口s exists in our modern rural communities. Rural residents include people from a variety of backgrounds 和 cultures. 多样性存在于不同的人口统计中, 包括, 但不限于:残疾, 教育水平, 民族/种族, 家庭结构, 性取向, 军事地位, nation of origin, political affiliation, religious affiliation, socio-economic status. A successful rural marketing campaign will reflect the diverse rural communities they are intended to serve. 评估方法 多样性、公平、包容和无障碍实践 能否纳入农村营销策略. 

了解更多: DEIA在传播和营销实践中的作用


Rural communities are unique in terms of their community network structure. While urban populations tend to prioritize a large network of weak-tie relationships, 农村人口倾向于优先考虑a 更小的强关系网络. This relationship structure can influence how rural residents source new information 和 what organizations they trust, thus impacting marketing initiatives' overall success (or failure). If a rural resident recommends a new organization to a strong-tie network connection, this recommendation may be highly influential in prompting community support. If a rural resident discourages strong-tie relationships from patronizing a new organization, this bad review can have long-lasting repercussions on the organization. Rural residents demonstrate a high level of responsibility for the well-being of people included in their strong-tie relationships. 他们可以是一个很好的来源 影响力营销 for organizations seeking to increase market penetration in rural areas. They are more likely to respond to a new organization recommended by someone they trust than a catchy advertisement. 

了解更多: 数字时代的网红营销


What’s happening in the rural area that you‘re trying to reach? 最近发生的事件塑造了社区的观点? 农村居民最关心的发展是什么? 在创建农村营销活动时, you should try to “walk a mile in the rural residents' shoes” to better underst和 their needs 和 priorities. 农村生活在许多方面不同于城市和郊区的生活, 包括资源可访问性, 沟通方式, 采购选项, 社交媒体使用. 把靴子放在地上 方法 to market intelligence specific to rural communities can be helpful in developing a rural marketing plan that will yield positive results. 另外, two-way digital communication tools such as social media can be an excellent way for marketers to solicit feedback 和 information from residents. 


Rural marketing is a core competency of 贝克尔数字’s consulting work. 作为农村居民, we underst和 the importance of rural-informed communications 和 outreach initiatives that reflect modern rural audiences. 十大网赌软件推荐的团队提出了农村营销策略 多个行业会议和活动

Here are a few additional rural marketing resources to support your organization’s rural outreach efforts:


如果你的组织正在寻找一个 创造性的合作伙伴 为农村提供营销服务,联系 贝克尔数字. We specialize in going beyond the screen 和 engaging diverse communities in a meaningful way. All of our work is customized to the organizational client’s needs.

贝克尔数字 is a CVE-verified Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB), 获得sba认证的HUBZone Business, 和弗吉尼亚游泳认证(Micro, Small, 和伤残退伍军人拥有的)企业. 

联系十大网赌软件推荐 to schedule a complimentary call 和 learn more about how marketing strategy can enhance your organization’s mission.




针对Z世代的营销vs. 千禧一代