
美国农村人口是美国人口中充满活力的一部分. This geographically dispersed demographic is unique in lifestyle, needs, and 优先级. Rural life presents many challenges and opportunities that urban and suburban communities may not encounter in the same way. Understanding these critical differences in experience can help organizations strengthen their rural outreach initiatives. 公共部门组织采用 rural-focused策略 will be better positioned to foster long-term relationships in 多样化的农村社区.


根据 U.S. 人口普查局, diversity in rural 人口s is increasing across multiple demographics. 农村居民包括来自各种背景和文化的人. 多样性存在于不同的人口统计中, 包括, 但不限于:残疾, 教育水平, 民族/种族, 家庭结构, 性取向, 军事地位, 原籍国, 政治面貌, 宗教信仰, 社会经济地位. 一个成功的农村传播和营销活动将反映 多样化的农村社区 它们是用来服务的.

Here are a few diversity-related insights from recent rural market research:

的se diversity-related insights should prompt communications and marketing professionals to evaluate the way 多样性、公平、包容和可及性(DEIA)实践 are integrated into rural outreach initiatives.

When reflecting on how to reach Rural America’s diverse communities, ask yourself:

  • 在农村社区活动中使用了哪些语言选择? 

  • 是数字通信吗? 符合508条款

  • 家庭照顾者如何融入组织沟通?

  • 什么家庭结构在战役资产中突出显示? 

  • 是如何 退伍军人和家属 在战役资产中描绘? 

  • What religious holidays and observances are included in organizational communications?

  • Can people living with disabilities access your organization's online spaces and engage with campaign multimedia?


While the majority of America’s 人口 currently lives in urban areas, 最近的调查 have revealed that many urban residents report an interest in relocating to a rural community. 农村生活的生活成本往往较低, 更少的犯罪, 增加户外娱乐活动, 与许多城市地区相比,总体生活质量也有所提高. 随着大流行在美国蔓延,十大网赌软件推荐观察到 移民模式的急剧转变 as urban-dwelling residents sought out more rural areas in which to reside. 的se pandemic-directed moves were prompted by social distancing and powered by some professions' ability to work remotely.

农村生活为今天的几代人提供了很多, especially to Millennials and Gen Zers that are looking for affordable places to live that offer access to outdoor rec and internet connectivity. While rural communities were somewhat slower than urban and suburban communities in 宽带接入, the past few years have seen great strides in increased connectivity for rural areas. 多个联邦和州 政府项目 支持ing internet access for rural residents have been funded all across the United States in an attempt to close the geographical digital divide. Rural communities that offer internet access are positioned to recruit remote workers from larger cities - a 人口 shift that promises immense economic development potential for Rural America.

千禧一代是z世代 是两个吗? 大多数民族和种族多样化的世代 在美国历史上. 这两代人 优先考虑多样性、公平和包容的做法 在他们光顾的组织中, 支持, and work for/with - views that don’t necessarily align with traditional political party affiliations. As rural communities across America see 人口增长 along these generational lines, 多样性、公平、包容和可及性(DEIA)实践 in communications and marketing are likely to become increasingly important. 


重要的是要记住,美国农村不是一块巨石. Every rural community is unique in its culture, demographics, experiences, needs, and 优先级. Organizations that are committed to rural outreach success will invest in market research specific to the rural communities which they are interested in reaching. A rural community in the Panhandle of Florida may be different from a rural community in the Flint Hills of Kansas. An effective rural-informed outreach strategy will include content and messaging that reflects the people actually living in today’s 多样化的农村社区 - not generalizations or stereotypes of rural residents. Once organizations have a data-支持ed approach to rural communities included in their target audience, 他们可以优化活动资产和交付. 

了解更多: 6个针对农村受众的社交媒体技巧


另外, Rural America is not stagnant; instead, they are dynamic - constantly changing and innovating in response to an always-evolving world. Rural-focused organizations should incorporate community listening strategies in the overall outreach strategy to stay apprised of current events and updated information regarding community member attitudes, 优先级, 和价值观. 的 demands of rural life are influenced by a variety of external and internal factors that frequently change. Organizations seeking sustainable success in engaging rural communities should recognize the dynamic operating environment and take steps to stay up to date on a constantly evolving situation.

了解更多: 5个农村营销技巧


贝克尔数字 is available to 支持 your organization's rural outreach initiatives. We have demonstrated past performance in rural communications and marketing success in government and nonprofit sectors. 作为农村企业家和居民, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities modern rural residents encounter. We are passionate about 支持ing our 多样化的农村社区 and the organizations that serve them. 联系十大网赌软件推荐 讨论贵组织在农村社区的拓展工作. 

贝克尔数字 is proud to be a CVE-verified Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB), 获得sba认证的HUBZone Business, 和弗吉尼亚游泳认证(Micro, Small, 和伤残退伍军人拥有的)企业.



农村推广: 参与美国农村

美国农村人口是美国人口中充满活力的一部分. 农村人口在生活方式、需求和优先事项方面都是独特的. Organizations that embrace a rural-focused策略 will be better positioned to foster long-term relationships in 多样化的农村社区.

探索乡村生活的独特之处, and learn how organizations can effectively engage rural 人口s in our white paper.



