
美国军人和退伍军人群体代表了一个多元化的群体, 十大网赌软件推荐国家多代人口的子集. 军人, 退伍军人, 他们的家庭面临着独特的挑战和机遇, many of which differ significantly from those experienced by the civilian population. 部署, 永久换站(PCS)命令, and service-connected injuries are just a few of the notable military-specific lifecycle events encountered by this patriotic cohort.  Understanding the population-specific needs accompanying military service can help government agencies improve military and veteran community outreach initiatives.

作为一个 富有经验的公司, 贝克尔数字 is very passionate about connecting our community with quality resources and programs that support military and veteran families. 有效的军事和退伍军人外展需要一种军事知情的方法. Organizational communications intended for military and veteran audiences should reflect the values and lifestyles of the modern military and veteran community to achieve optimal effectiveness. 政府 agencies and nonprofit organizations that support the modern military and veteran community should prioritize the development of a military-informed communications strategy. 


Communications should reflect the diversity of the modern military and veteran community. 

的 modern military community is not a monolith; instead, 它由形形色色的爱国人士组成. 在过去的几十年里,美国军队已经看到了一个 人口结构多样化稳步增长 across ethnic, racial, gender, religious, sexual orientation, and political affiliation. 

Here are a few statistics regarding diversity within the modern military community:

的 military community’s diversity should be reflected and recognized in military community-focused communications campaigns. Organizations should prioritize the development of campaign assets - media and copy - that reflects an accurate picture of the modern military community across multiple demographic variables. 另外, 承认宗教节日的仪式和习俗, 家庭结构, 原产地, 母语也要考虑. 


军人家属在任务准备和支持方面发挥着独特的作用. 军事的配偶, 父母, 兄弟姐妹, 爷爷奶奶, and children are often involved in providing support for the servicemember in various forms throughout the military lifecycle. 部署, 着, 个人电脑, 工伤和疾病, and military transitions all often require the involvement of many members of the military family. Organizations that support the military and veteran community should include outreach initiatives to military family members, 因为这些人通常负责寻找支持性资源. 

另外, 在美国服兵役通常是一件家庭事务, 原籍家庭的很多成员都在服役. 根据2013年的一份报告 国防部(DoD)报告, 80%的新兵来自至少有一方父母的家庭, 祖父母, 阿姨或叔叔, 兄弟姐妹, 我的堂兄曾在美军服役. This intergenerational commitment to serving our nation is often evidenced in familial value systems. 今天, 大约10万名军人 双职工夫妻是指夫妻双方目前都在服务吗. 在制定你的军事友好通信策略时, 记住这一点可以帮助提高它的有效性. 


的re are dozens of military-focused holiday observances and remembrance designations. It’s imperative that organizations recognize these days and months in an informed and respectful way. Tone-deaf social media posts and activities that include misinformation regarding these days of observance are disrespectful. 例如, Memorial Day is a day to recognize fallen service members who lost their lives during times of war - it’s not a day to recognize living 退伍军人 or post pictures of a company bar-b-que. 


  • 越南战争退伍军人节(3月29日)

  • 军人儿童月(4月)

  • 金星配偶日(四月五日)

  • 全国前战俘表彰日(4月9日)

  • 军人看护月(5月)

  • 阵亡爱国者儿童日(5月13日)

  • 建军节(五月第三个星期六)

  • 阵亡将士纪念日(五月最后一个星期一)

  • 军人配偶感谢日(母亲节前的星期五)

  • 女性退伍军人节(6月12日)

  • 全国雇佣退伍军人日(7月25日)

  • 紫心勋章日(8月7日)

  • 金星母亲节(9月25日)

  • 部署日(10月25日)

  • 国家退伍军人和军人家庭月(11月)

  • 全国退伍军人小企业周(11月1日至5日)

  • 退伍军人节(11月11日)

此外,组织应该承认军事分支的生日. 以下是一个综合列表:

  • 海岸警卫队预备队(2月19日)

  • 海军预备队(3月3日)

  • 空军预备队(4月14日)

  • 陆军预备队(4月23日)

  • 军队(6月14日)

  • 海岸警卫队辅助队(6月23日)

  • 美国国防部(8月10日)

  • 海军陆战队预备队(8月29日)

  • 空军(9月18日)

  • 空军国民警卫队(9月18日)

  • 海军(13日)

  • 海军陆战队(11月10日)

  • 国民警卫队(12月13日)

  • 太空部队(12月20日)

Accessibility and disability inclusion should be reflected in your organization's military and 退伍军人 outreach.

军人 and 退伍军人 have higher rates of disability than civilian populations. In 2021, 约占美国退伍军人的27% 被报道患有与服务相关的残疾.  据报道,伊拉克和阿富汗的退伍军人有 严重残疾率更高 比以前的老兵要多. 现代战争中的战争条件让步了 更高的存活率 but increased severity of disability due to complex, life-threatening injuries. This heightened presence of disability necessitates that organizations supporting the modern military and veteran community incorporate web accessibility and disability-inclusive practices into communications strategies. 符合508条款的设计, 无障碍社交媒体实践, and inclusive disability-friendly outreach should be evident in all organizational communications. 

Many disabled 退伍军人 require the support of a caregiver to assist with daily living and health-related needs. 今天, 超过500万军人和退伍军人照顾者 为残疾退伍军人提供支持性护理, 有超过100万人在照顾9/11后的退伍军人. 大多数军人和退伍军人的照顾者都是配偶 报道 遭遇消极职业, 教育, 金融, 以及服役人员受伤或生病后的健康状况. 军事-focused organizations should recognize military and veteran caregivers in communications and prioritize caregiver-focused outreach to connect military caregivers with helpful resources available to wounded warrior families. 

An active organizational presence on multiple social media platforms is a must. 

现代军人和退伍军人人口是 在社交媒体上非常活跃. 的y use multiple social media platforms to keep up with friends and family all across the globe. 根据2022年的一项调查,军事社区成员报告说 更高的日常 使用社交媒体的人数比接受调查的平民人口多. 由于经常搬家,通常伴随着服兵役, military families often rely on recommendations from each other for military and veteran-friendly and quality products and services. 的 大多数服役人员 报告在多个社交媒体渠道上保持活跃. 

的 modern military and veteran community is multi-generational and currently spans all generations, 从z世代到二战世代. When organizations are looking to connect with military and veteran community members, 他们应该考虑 代际营销策略 to ensure that they are utilizing the best social media platforms to build those relationships. 例如, suppose your organization focuses outreach on currently serving junior officers and enlisted. 在这种情况下, 千禧一代和z世代经常使用社交媒体平台 比如TikTok和Instagram,应该优先考虑. Facebook and YouTube should be prioritized if your organization is focusing outreach on Vietnam and Cold War-era 退伍军人. Understanding the demographics of your target audience is essential when developing a military-friendly communications strategy. 


如果你的政府机构在找 创造性的合作伙伴 提供市场营销咨询和管理服务,联系方式 贝克尔数字. We specialize in going beyond the screen and engaging diverse communities in a meaningful way. 十大网赌软件推荐所有的工作都是根据组织客户的需求定制的. 联系十大网赌软件推荐 to schedule a complimentary call and learn more about how marketing strategy can enhance your organization’s mission.




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