Marketing to Rural Communities

对许多公司来说,通过营销活动与农村人口建立联系非常重要, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations. 农村社区占美国人口的很大一部分. 他们的居民经常光顾城市和郊区的组织. Rural community members purchasing needs and interests frequently align with consumers in other regions; however, 农村社区成员研究潜在供应商和供应商的方式可能不同,需要通过农村知情的营销策略加以解决. 

许多传统的广告工作集中在城市和郊区的人口. Such focus is reflected in widely popularized consumer trends, marketing campaigns, and publicity strategies. 虽然这些人口占美国人口的大多数, it does not constitute the entirety of our nation’s diverse communities. Thus, 城市和郊区的营销技术邮件未能吸引包括农村社区居民在内的受众的注意. Understanding the unique needs and interests 对于负责建立这些重要联系的营销专业人员来说,农村人口的信息是必不可少的. 

Meet America’s Rural Population

Rural communities account for approximately 97 percent of America’s landmass and 20 percent of the country’s overall population. Members of rural communities are more likely to own a home, reside in the state of their birth, and have served in the military than residents in urban areas. The average age of rural residents is reported to be slightly higher than that of urban residents. Additionally, 农村社区在以下方面继续落后于城市和郊区社区 internet access; however, internet connectivity is rapidly increasing across the nation. 

虽然美国大多数人口目前居住在城市地区, recent surveys 许多城市居民表示有兴趣搬迁到农村社区. Rural life often offers a lower cost of living, less crime, increased access to outdoor recreation, 与许多城市地区相比,总体生活质量也有所提高. As the pandemic spread across the United States, we observed a drastic shift in migration patterns 随着城市居民寻找更多的农村地区居住. 这些以疫情为导向的举措是由社交距离推动的,并受到一些职业远程工作能力的推动. 

Learn more: 6 Social Media Tips for Rural Audiences

Misconceptions About Marketing to Rural Populations

不幸的是,十大网赌软件组织如何做到这一点存在许多误解 connect with rural communities. Limited experience, inaccurate information, 市场营销专业人士的城市偏见可能是这些误解流行的原因. To effectively connect with rural populations, 组织必须正视这些误解,准确地了解十大网赌软件推荐奇妙的多样化农村社区如何为十大网赌软件推荐国家的人口做出贡献. 


  • Rural populations are not online and will not be responsive to digital marketing strategies

  • 农村社区是自给自足的,居民对外界的供品不感兴趣. 

  • 农村人口只消费广播、报纸等传统媒体渠道. 

  • 农村社区在种族、政治派别和宗教信仰上是同质化的. 

  • 农村人口比城市人口贫穷,因此对组织来说不是一个可行的市场. 

这些十大网赌软件农村社区的误解会极大地损害一个组织与农村目标受众建立联系的能力. In reality, the majority of residents in rural communities are active online, display a vibrant interest in outside perspectives, consume a variety of media channels, and are increasingly diverse in culture and beliefs. When approached in a respectful and well-researched manner, 农村社区可以成为各种部门的组织非常乐于接受的听众. 认识到社区与社区之间存在的差异, 以及为每个目标受众定制营销策略的重要性, 可以帮助组织改善与农村人口的联系吗. 

Learn more: Reaching Rural Communities Through Social Media

Effective Strategies for Marketing to Rural Communities

As with all marketing strategies, 组织应该投资于针对他们感兴趣服务的社区的市场研究. 虽然在农村社区比较中有一些明显的相似之处, every community is unique in its culture, history, and population. 对于有意开展有效营销活动的组织来说,了解以社区为基础的目标受众是必不可少的.  

Here are a few tips for getting to know rural communities:

  • 认识到每个社区都是不同的,避免对受众做出不准确的假设. 

  • Conducting market research through multiple channels, including community discussion, meeting with community leaders and influencers, and collecting relevant data from surveys, publications, etc. 

  •  Incorporate community listening strategies into your overall communications approach 随时了解当前事件和社区成员态度的最新信息, priorities, and values. 

Similar to urban and suburban populations, 综合营销方法在接触农村人口方面效果最好. An effective integrated marketing strategy 是否包括传统媒体工具(印刷材料、广播、报纸、广告牌等).), digital marketing initiatives (登陆页面、社交媒体、基于互联网的广告等.), and publicity (media interviews, podcasts, etc.). 而纯数字营销往往主导主流营销讨论, 整合营销方法始终产生更好的结果,同时达到更多样化的受众基础. 

Learn more: 5 Rural Marketing Tips

Are you ready to connect with rural populations?

如果你的组织有兴趣与农村人口联系,请 contact Becker Digital to schedule a consultation. As a boutique consulting agency with extensive experience marketing to rural communities, Becker Digital的团队精通为使命驱动型组织制定定制战略. 十大网赌软件推荐很乐意更多地了解贵组织的使命,并与您一起确定实现组织目标的可行策略. 

Download the “Rural Outreach” White Paper:

美国农村人口是美国人口中充满活力的一部分. 农村社区占美国陆地的大部分,约占全国总人口的五分之一. 这种地理上分散的人口在生活方式、需求和优先事项上都是独特的. 采用以农村为重点的战略的组织将更有能力在不同的农村社区建立长期关系.

Download a free copy of the “Rural Outreach” White Paper to discover what makes rural life unique, 并学习组织如何有效地吸引农村人口!


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