
Effective social media management can be a complex process that involves many different team members affiliated with nonprofit organizations. Having a supportive nonprofit board can greatly enhance a nonprofit organization’s 社交媒体努力 以及他们对社区的影响. Nonprofit board members play a pivotal role in the development and success of the organization’s 社交媒体表现. They can provide leadership and suggestions regarding social media content, can assist the organization’s staff and/or volunteers with social media-related work like content management and social media assessment, and can also help spread the word about organization programs and campaigns by sharing content on their own social media feeds.

Here are a few ways that nonprofit board members can help support the organization online:


参与在社交媒体中非常重要, 社交媒体帖子的参与度越高, 它的有机范围越广. Board members can engage on the nonprofit’s social media content to help extend the post(s)’ reach through 评论s, 喜欢, 和股票. This helps increase the number of people the content may be shown to organically through the social media app’s feed. 另外, board members can tag the organization’s social media channel in personal posts that relate to the organization’s work and/or mission.

了解更多: 非营利组织的5个社交媒体内容管理技巧


Nonprofit board members can actively collect content that may be useful in sharing on the organization’s social media channels, and provide this content to the organization’s designated social media manager or committee. 社交媒体内容 examples include things like pictures taken during organizational events, 讨论他们为什么喜欢这个组织的视频记录, and quality articles or press related to the organization that may be of interest to the organization’s social media following should also be 分享d. Nonprofit organizations may find it best to create a 分享d folder, like Dropbox or 谷歌驱动, 这是专门用于社会出版的媒体, 并允许董事会成员访问,以便于分享. 

了解更多: 非营利组织的10个社交媒体内容创意

Include a review of the organization’s social media channel performance in board meetings. 

Board members can help support the organization’s outreach efforts by prioritizing the review of the organization's social media analytics regularly, 对的积分 社交媒体表现 进入董事会会议. Working with nonprofit organization teams to brainstorm creative social media content and campaigns provides an additional perspective that may be beneficial to the organization’s 社交媒体策略. 此外,董事会成员可以帮助组织识别 现实的社交媒体增长目标 and strategize ways to customize the nonprofit’s 社交媒体努力 in ways that will increase the organization's success. 在制定社交媒体增长目标时, 具体的目标, 可衡量的, 可实现的, 有关, and Time-bound - also known as SMART goals - can be helpful to keep in mind.

了解更多: 如何进行社交媒体绩效评估

Here are social media app-specific suggestions for nonprofit board members:

●       Facebook:

 邀请个人Facebook好友 给非营利组织的Facebook主页点赞.

o   创建一个筹款活动 for the nonprofit organization on the board member’s personal Facebook profile.

o参与(喜欢), 分享, 并对该非营利组织在Facebook上发布的内容发表评论, as this will help the organization’s content experience increased reach. 为了使这个过程更容易,董事会成员可以 添加该非营利组织的Facebook页面 到董事会成员Facebook个人资料的“先看”列表.

●       Instagram:

o   Provide the nonprofit organization with any photo or video content related to the organization that may be useful in sharing on Instagram – the social media app that’s most dependent on visual media content.

o   Incorporate branded hashtags and tag the nonprofit organization’s Instagram handle when posting content on one’s personal Instagram feed that may involve the organization.

o   分享非营利组织的Instagram帖子 在Instagram Stories功能中.

o参与(喜欢) and 评论) on the nonprofit organization’s published Instagram content, as this will help the organization’s content experience increased reach.

●       Twitter:

o   Provide the nonprofit organization with any information-rich content (articles, blogs, etc.)与组织相关,可能有助于在Twitter上分享.

o   Incorporate branded hashtags and tag the nonprofit organization’s Twitter handle when posting content on one’s personal Twitter feed that may involve the organization.

o   Volunteer to organize or participate in Twitter Chats and Twitter Polls sponsored by the nonprofit organization.

o参与(喜欢), 评论, 并转发该非营利组织发布的推特内容, as this will help the organization’s content experience increased reach.

●       LinkedIn:

o   After the nonprofit organization’s LinkedIn Company Page has been established, board members can 更新他们的个人领英资料 包括他们在组织中的地位.

o参与(喜欢), 分享, and 评论) on the nonprofit organization’s published LinkedIn content, as this will help the organization’s content experience increased reach.


Social media is an extremely versatile platform that presents many opportunities for nonprofit organizations of all sizes. 不需要大量的营销预算 社交媒体的成功, as there are many ways to extend an organization’s reach through social media, and nonprofit board members are uniquely poised to increase the organization's digital reach. While many of the social media suggestions are relatively small gestures, this type of online support can go a long way in advancing the organization’s mission and building community relationships.

For additional information on how nonprofit board members can help support the organization through virtual channels, 看看十大网赌软件推荐的网络研讨会, 组织采用数字化战略的4种方式


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