
匿名超本地社交媒体应用程序,例如 Jodel, Yik Yak, and Sidechat, have taken the Generation Z digital scene by storm. Born between 1997 and 2012, Z世代(Gen Z)通常被统称为“数字原住民”,,因为这一代的许多人都不记得社交媒体出现之前的世界. In fact, many Gen Zers had a social media presence before they ever opened their own social media accounts - Gen Z’s parents posted photos, videos, 在他们的孩子知道什么是推特之前,就在社交媒体上评论z世代. This early exposure to hyperconnected social networks has impacted Generation Z in numerous ways.

Generation Z’s Social Media Usage

z世代是社交媒体的多产用户. Recent surveys indicated that Gen Zers are active on some form of social media for upwards of nine hours every day. 这种高度的“连通性”对z世代的沟通技巧产生了许多影响, extracurricular interests, mental and physical health, and stress management. 不幸的是,z世代如此频繁地使用社交媒体可能会导致 negative outcomes in their personal lives, such as disconnect from their peers and lacking foundational interpersonal skills needed to navigate healthy relationships. 


匿名超本地社交媒体应用程序,例如 Jodel, Sidechat, and Yik Yak, provide their predominantly Gen Z user base with a unique online platform to post their innermost, 未经编辑的想法,不用担心被认出来. Some users view the app's “anonymity” features as an opportunity to evade accountability for their actions. As a consequence, bad actors may engage in unprofessional, unethical, and in some cases, illegal conduct on these apps. 当一大群用户参与这种网络不端行为时, 它可能模拟暴民统治,反对已建立的组织和秩序. 这种类型的在线活动会对组织文化产生广泛的负面影响, mission, and operations. At Becker Digital十大网赌软件推荐将这种多域现象称为 Digital Ripple Effect™

In our work 学院和大学都在抵制网络不端行为的负面影响, we routinely hear from students, staff, and faculty that threatening content posted to anonymous hyperlocal social media apps geographically associated with the school made them question whether or not they were safe on-campus. Additionally, targeted harassment of organizational members resulted in shifts in the reported sense of belonging and inclusion at the organization. Unfortunately, 许多被指定处理这类问题的办事处, such as the Inspector General and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion departments, 在提供与网络不当行为有关的有效缓解措施方面是否装备不足且毫无准备. 

Generation Z’s Social Media Concerns

而z世代和千禧一代的社交媒体使用率都很高, z世代使用社交媒体的方式与千禧一代(1980-1996年出生)截然不同。. Gen Zers seek online experiences that offer higher levels of privacy than those found on traditional social media apps, such as Facebook and Instagram.

Millennials tend to utilize social media to promote their personal brand or identity by curating a “highlight reel” of their (seemingly) “amazing” life, 而z世代则寻求能够让他们这样做的社交媒体体验 “shitpost” without accountability for their actions. These distinct generation-based social media behaviors provide insight into what anonymous hyperlocal social media apps have recently surged in popularity among populations concentrated with Generation Z. 

Additionally, z世代寻找提供短暂(正在消失)内容的社交媒体应用, such as BeReal and Snapchat. Growing up in the era of “cancel culture,” many Gen Zers are concerned about their past online activity and engagement negatively impacting their future opportunities; thus, 为用户提供有限数字跟踪的社交媒体应用程序被优先考虑.   


Increased usage of anonymous hyperlocal social media apps has presented numerous challenges for communities and organizations. 不幸的是,这些社交媒体应用程序的许多用户使用 “anonymous” online space 在网上发布破坏性和恶意的内容. 

Examples of types of content frequently observed on anonymous hyperlocal social media apps include:

  • Cyberbullying and Harassment

  • 仇恨言论(反犹主义、伊斯兰恐惧症、仇外心理、种族主义和暴力厌女症)

  • Spread of misinformation and disinformation

  • 性骚扰和性侵犯威胁 

  • Suicidal ideation and threats of self-harm

  • 暴力行为的威胁,大规模枪击和其他恐怖主义行为

In our work at Becker Digital, we’ve observed that much of the harassing content posted to anonymous hyperlocal social media apps is often targeted specifically toward minority members of the community. Unfortunately, this type of cyberharassment on anonymous hyperlocal social media apps can quickly escalate into a spectator sport, with a small sector of the population actively posting destructive and negative content while the majority of the population looks on for a sadistic version of “entertainment.“这种潜在的广泛受众的元素是网络和网络之间的关键区别. 当面骚扰和潜在的广泛负面影响.  

Here is a briefing listing of organizations that have reported threats of violence posted to anonymous hyperlocal communities geographically affiliated with their institutions:

In some of the cases listed above, 暴力威胁的重点是伤害一群人, through bombings or mass violence. In other cases, such as the murder case at the University of Mary Washington, the threats posted on an anonymous hyperlocal social media app’s public forum were specific to individuals within the community.  


鉴于匿名的超本地社交媒体应用高度集中了Z世代用户, 目前的使用主要集中在两个部门的组织- higher education and military. When considering the average age of college students and military recruits falling within Generation Z’s age bracket, these usage trends aren’t surprising. 目前使用这些匿名社交媒体应用程序可以呈现 numerous challenges and risks 对于地理上的附属组织来说,因为在线发布的内容并不总是在线的.  

Here are a few of the potential organization-level consequences of malicious content posted to anonymous hyperlocal social media apps:

  • Damages organizational culture

  • 对高校招生和留校的负面影响

  • Decline in organizational morale 

  • Negative publicity for the organization

  • 降低学生和员工的安全感

  • Loss of trust in organizational leadership

  • 对已建立组织的声誉造成损害

  • 破坏权威、良好秩序和纪律


Current Gen Z usage of anonymous hyperlocal social media apps presents numerous challenges to organizations and a multitude of questions related to how this type of online user behavior will impact our future. 

  • After college graduation, will disgruntled Gen Zers look to “shitposting” anonymously on social media about the boss or coworker they don’t like, 而不是以专业的方式解决冲突, responsible solutions-oriented manner? 

  • Will early career military service members continue cyber harassing their comrades online as they progress up the ranks of military leadership? 

  • 当前广泛的网络骚扰是否会让用户变得不敏感? 

  • Will the current state of online misconduct influence organizations beyond higher education and the military? 

  • 这种在线互动有可能在社会中变得常态化吗, and undermine multiple aspects of good order and process that support our communities and organizations?

匿名的超本地社交媒体应用程序不会“消失”.” Some colleges and universities have restricted network access 到有问题的匿名超本地社交媒体应用, such as Yik Yak; however, 用户只是迁移到类似的社交媒体应用程序, such as Jodel, Whisper, or Sidechat. 新的匿名超本地社交媒体应用程序不断发布. Fizz,一个匿名的超本地社交媒体应用程序,最初发布于 Stanford University在短短几个月的时间里,他就报告说 approximately 95% 本科学生中有一半下载了这款应用. 

Gas - another emerging anonymous hyperlocal social media app - is active at high schools all across the country. Named after the Gen Z slang for “gassing someone up,” Gas was promoted as a positive online space to receive anonymous compliments; however, 正如一些匿名的超本地社交媒体应用程序所观察到的那样, Gas communities frequently digress into cesspools of cyberbullying and online harassment of community members. Like most social media apps, Gas claims to take steps towards effective moderation; however, 现实往往与理想相去甚远. 

While earlier cohorts of college students and military recruits downloaded anonymous hyperlocal social media apps when entered adulthood, future cohorts may enter these institutions already actively engaged on anonymous hyperlocal social media apps as a result of early exposure in high school. 网络上的不当行为——网络欺凌,仇恨言论,  mis/disinformation, sexual harassment and threats of suicide, acts of violence, mass shootings, 其他恐怖主义行为在十大网赌软件推荐的社会中变得更加正常化,成为“可接受的” online communities.

Next Steps

Organizations impacted by anonymous hyperlocal social media apps have a responsibility to effectively address the impacts of unethical, unprofessional, and illegal online activity. Our company has demonstrated experience mitigating the negative effects of anonymous hyperlocal social media apps. 服务是根据组织的独特需求和重要使命定制的. 十大网赌软件推荐提供战略咨询、评估和应对策略制定.

Additionally, we provide 数字领导力、读写能力和专业素养培训 受社交媒体相关挑战影响的组织团体, 比如匿名的超本地社交媒体应用程序.  如果你想安排一次咨询来讨论能力和担忧, contact us

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Association of Military Colleges and Schools of the United States (AMCSUS) Commandants' Workshop

